Wild Connections: ​Transformative ​Communication ​Retreat


2-4 August

Mid Wales

Create more depth and harmony with ​people in your life.

Learn tools to assertively and ​compassionately set boundaries and ​ask for what you want.

Why do this retreat?

We often hear people talk about where they are stuck in life - wanting ​someone to be different, wanting themselves to change in some way - ​exercise more, make more money, be a better friend, parent or child.

In order to effect positive change, we need to uncover (and makes ​friends with) our own limiting beliefs that are in the way.

These beliefs stem from past betrayals, losses, humiliating failures, or ​personal crises.

They weigh us down like sandbags, holding us back from fulfilling our ​potential.

Why I am hosting ​this retreat?

Over the last 20 years, I’ve attended the Satvatove Seminars led by Dr ​David Wolf over a dozen times - as an attendee, organiser and facilitator ​in training.

It’s the Foundational Training which gave me the skills to help navigate ​leadership challenges at work and at home. The training that helped me ​take off the ‘masks’ that I was wearing for fear of being rejected by ​others if they new the ’real me’. It’s helped me find the courage and skills ​to address issues not just change jobs or relationships.

It’s Satvatove that helped me find a cooperative separation with a ​partner where we now co-parent and live harmoniously.

It’s Satvatove’s training that I called upon to face a life-threatening ​heart attack last January with acceptance and peace. I was still scared to ​leave behind an 11 year-old boy and I openly cried about it, but the ​spiritual grounding instilled from years of Satvatove-style work created a ​deep sense of trust inside me - I know now that no matter what happens, ​it is okay.

I can emphatically say that the skills I learned from Dr Wolf has been the ​single best training I’ve ever done. That's why I'm offering this weekend ​experience to pass on the tools that Dr Wolf and Satvatove has shared ​with me.

Who is this retreat for?

Everyone. No need to have done any Satvatove workshops before, but if ​you have, this retreat will help sharpen and build upon those skills. If you ​ever find yourself being nice instead of real, or not asking for what you ​want then kicking yourself later, this workshop will give you tools for ​changing those patterns.

Who is David Wolf?

Since this weekend retreat is based on the work of Dr David ​Wolf, I wanted to share a bit about him.

Dr Wolf has over 40 years experience in a range of ​counseling, social work, executive coaching, and spiritual ​life coaching. He is the author of Relationships That Work ​and the Founder of the Satvatove Institute, the ​organization under which he delivers his workshops.

He came to Wales in January 2024 to lead the four-day ​Foundational Seminar and will come back in January 2025 ​again (dates to be confirmed).

Who is Scott McGregor?

A question I am constantly finding out myself!

After getting a self-help book at 12 years old, I’ve been ​inspired by Tony Robbins and Carolyn Myss and later ​group workshops like Satvatove, Landmark, Byron Katie, ​NVC, IFS, tantra, Mankind Project and many more.

But the tools I learned in Satvatove are the ones that serve ​me in all environments - from work to workshops.

To step into another person’s world and attune in a deep ​way. creates a sacred space. And in that space, people feel ​safe to share and open up.

I have been hosting men’s retreats for the past four years ​on this site. It is a special place with spiritual roots dating ​thousands of year to the Druids of Wales.

Timings and Location

The workshop is 2-4 Aug in Mid Wales (LD23PN). Follow ​signs for “Men’s Group” or “Dome”. Feel free to come and ​set up your tent and enjoy nature. Our first process starts ​at 6:30 pm.

August 2nd, Friday: Arrive by 5 pm, the workshop starts ​promptly at 6:30 pm and ends at approximately at 8:30 pm

Aug 3 Saturday: Workshop begins at 9 am and ends at 6:30 ​pm (approximately).

Aug 4th Sunday: Workshop begins at 9 am. Ending time ​will be approximately 3 pm on Sunday.

Investment: £130 per person (£115 concession). If money ​is an issue contact Scott, we can work out a trade.